Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Riview Journal

Riview Journal

" Accounting for relatedness in family-based association studies: application to Genetic Analysis Workshop 18 data "

Name of Journal
BMC Proceedings
Title of Journal
Accounting for relatedness in family-based
association studies: application to Genetic
Analysis Workshop 18 data
Date of Journal
13-17 October 2012

phenotype data analysis using real and simulated phenotype first set. This analysis is done without the knowledge base of the simulation model. Genotype data were cleaned using standard procedures. This resulted in four individuals were excluded because of insufficient numbers of their data.

The Main Discussion
A number of different methods/software packages have been proposed in the last few years that implement linear mixed-model approaches to account for population structure and relatedness among samples in genome-wide association studies (GWAS), but no detailed comparisons among them have been made before our effort. Indeed, when a new method/package is developed, it is often quite unclear whether or how it differs substantially from those already available. To address this question, we explored the performance of various implementations of such methods in the longitudinal Genetic Analysis Workshop 18 (GAW18) data set.
All methods performed well and results were similar, particularly at the most significant SNPs. We conclude that (at least for nonlongitudinal traits) it makes little difference to the results which method/software package is used, and the user can make the choice of package on
the basis of personal taste, speed, or computational convenience. For longitudinal traits (modeled without regard to their longitudinal nature) the slight differences seen between the methods would be an interesting topic for further investigation, but it is beyond the scope of the current article.
more emphasis on improving methods, especially for traits elongated (models without regard to the nature of longitudinal)

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