Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

Hope My President

Integrity in the Big Indonesian Dictionary means the quality , nature , or circumstances indicate unified whole so that it has the potential and ability that exudes authority ; honesty .

An integrity of the nation needs to be built through the example of a leader figure . Given the deterioration of this nation are increasingly becoming a classic problem . Thus the importance of reflection in scrutinizing the nation exemplary leaders. Despite many negative thoughts are said Indonesia 's leadership crisis but should be emphasized that there are many positive sides of the country's great leaders and extraordinary . For that we need a leader who is able to serve as " Inspiring Leaderdship " .

" Inspiring Leadership " is a leader who can serve as role models , inspiration and role model . So that has made the character and the figure is very strong and can be inspiring and motivating environment to participate positively in all areas of the profession and the public life of this nation . In general inspiration which can be used as exemplary is selfless , hard working , intelligent , honest , polite and creative was the example must be made of all the nation's children for the life of nation and state . Creative attitude shown by the renewal effort and brilliant ideas followed by actions and attitude is not just a slogan .

In line with the meaning of the attitude of integrity , which refers to the whole of human existence , namely between words and actions must be aligned and properly implemented . Various leaders and elite of the nation , either as presidents , ministers , governors , entrepreneurs or other national figures , the capacity and capability of the existing form of charisma , power , intellect , wealth , intelligence , professionalism , achievement , artistic ability and culture that have an influence on the life and lives of majority of the people of Indonesia .

Taking a leadership role model of the Prophet
Not only writers who have argued above , a leader must take bold decisions , whatever its weight . Example of the Prophet 's leadership . When in a fight in a place already not getting the most , calculated challenge becomes more severe , then the leader must have contributed to spearhead the move , leaving the land of his birth , which is in Makkah . Prophet against the instincts of humanity , even the place of his birth , and so does the Kaaba , Minna , and Arafat as the center of ritual activity was around Mecca, he migrated to Medina .

Attention to events associated with the move and the latest issues in the capital , which is when the population of Jakarta is so solid , day-to- day traffic, and especially floods , not to mention pollution , etc. , should be the leaders of these countries are also willing to take a decision , as did by the Prophet is moving . The capital of the country that had been in Jakarta moved to another city , for example , who once mencana discourse and rumors that the capital would be moved to Bruneo , or others which if possible and considered safer .
Transferring the capital is difficult and risky . But the move risks and difficulties have also been experienced by the leaders of 14 centuries ago . Properly when the daily had felt such a hard life in Jakarta , the nation's leaders immediately take a decision , and that is when the stages in making the move . The sooner the better . Slowness in taking a decision would result in cost and risk of the more expensive and heavier . Many people will speculate , each will try to profit as much as possible .

In addition to a role model of courage to bear the risk , of course emigrated process , not least the values ​​that should be taken by the leaders and officials . There is an interesting story on the trip together companions of the Prophet , from Makkah to Madinah , when run out of stock . At that time, some serious thirst companions , while on the right side of the road there is no water . Incidentally not far from where it passed , --- according to a story , there are also houses that do not have water , but have skinny goat that can not be squeezed milk .

What may make, the prophet asked permission from the owners to squeeze the old goat 's milk and thin it , if only be used to relieve thirst for all who participated in the group 's trip . Originally in the story , the owner of the goat refused on the grounds may not like it came out of goat milk . But after passing the dialog , it allows the owner of the goat . Unexpectedly , the old goat and skinny is successfully secrete milk . One by one the friends are welcome by the Prophet to drink , including the owner of the goat itself. After all miss out, then the last turn , the prophet drank .
Trapped in the atmosphere , like the thirsty , the Prophet did not invite the friends to scramble . The Prophet 's own work , squeeze milk , and then share it . When split , as a leader , the prophet did not take first, but on the contrary , that is precisely the latter . For instance in ways like this is also done by officials and leaders of this nation , which is putting others before herself , then life will be peaceful . They do not necessarily have to scramble , because all have been thinking of the needs of others.

At this time , it turned , people prefer their self-interest , faction , party and other mengbaikan . All are invited to scramble and compete , so consequently the weak will lose. Instead , they will be strong and get the most qualified . That was then born social gap or distance so far . Welfare is only enjoyed by most , and while the others remained in a state of lack and suffering .
The two subjects that, when actually be captured and executed by the leaders of this nation , the country will achieve what is aspired , namely social justice for all Indonesian people . This population is not overly concentrated in one area , but it will be more spread out , so it will be successfully developed a wide range of potentials . In addition , to meet the 2014 elections , the future leaders of this nation would need metangkap noble qualities are borne by the prophet as he is the key to success when changing masyarakiat Mecca and Medina that ignorance into a society that is safe, peaceful , and prosperous .

Given such a case , the problem in selecting candidates for president of Indonesia , do not look at any of the group , which is an important clean heart , there will be no corruption , he is more attention , nurturing the very bottom ( the poor ) , rather than oppress the weak and prefer well as just think of rich people only ( no money no service) . When in fact the bottom is more needy . So , do not just choose a president who just ngobral appointments and do not be swayed by bribes ( money politics ) as well as promises of sweetness . Choose a president who can be leaders who are honest and responsible to the people of Indonesia !

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